

This is the worst program you can possibly buy into. It is called ROADMAP TO RICHES, and it basically takes $1000 from you.

Of course, it does allow you to sell the same junk to the next sucker - usually consisting of a bunch of e-books that are basically worthless. You see, most of the e-book information that they offer is available at your public library. To really make money you really have to offer something of value.

When I see all the poor losers on all the free web sites posting the Roadmap To Riches bullshit, I just cringe! There is no money in this. If you make one or two sales a month, you are extremely lucky!

You WILL see lots of people posting positive articles about ROADMAP TO RICHES, but that is because they are associated with it and are paying $49 per month PLUS $59 for credit card processing. They MUST earn money or get completely ruined!

Don't do this program, you are just looking to have your money stolen. Nobody is going to pay their $999 or $499 for whichever program they offer. If you want a real program with guaranteed results AND a refund policy, check this out! Just don't fall for bullshit that is going to steal $1000 from you!